
Youth in 6th, 7th and 8th grade are invited to be part of our next Confirmation Class. Confirmation is offered every other year at BUMC. Our confirmation program is focused on helping young people learn more about what it means to be a part of the Christian faith, to ask tough questions and search out answers that have meaning for them.  Through class sessions, an overnight retreat, field trips, mentor relationships with another adult member of our congregation, and time spent with their peers, our youth are challenged to learn more about the Christian faith as well as its particular expression at Bethesda United Methodist Church.  The class encourages youth to take real responsibility for understanding their faith and its implications for their lives.  When they do – when they see the church and faith as something that truly and uniquely belongs to them – it builds a bond that lasts.  At the end of the class, as a sign of their ability to take charge of their own growing spiritual life, each youth chooses whether or not to be confirmed.  All participants, whatever their decision, are honored in a special service dedicated to their exploration and discoveries. 


The Confirmation Class meets each Sunday morning during our usual Sunday School time (10:00-10:45 a.m.) through the school year.  There are additional scheduled field trips and an overnight retreat to Manidokan Retreat Center.  All participants in the class are expected to be a part of Sunday school, worship, youth group, and all Confirmation activities.  





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